by Just-In Time Electrical | May 17, 2024
Yes – smart plugs and power boards are a cost-effective and convenient way to take advantage of smart technology. Smart plugs and smart power boards reduce the energy consumption of ‘vampire’ appliances (like TVs on standby), automatically cutting the power to these...
by Just-In Time Electrical | May 17, 2024
Do not touch exposed wiring or fallen power lines. An electrical shock can result in death – you won’t get a second chance. Turn the power off at the main switch if there’s a risk of damage or personal injury If you see fallen power lines that belong to the Energex...
by Just-In Time Electrical | May 17, 2024
If you have no power at all, first check the Energex website or call 13 62 62. If they don’t have any registered outages in your area, call us and we will be there fast. Our team of expert electricians can locate and repair electrical faults quickly. If you have had...
by Just-In Time Electrical | May 17, 2024
The best way to ensure your property is electrically safe is to book an Electrical Health Check....
by Just-In Time Electrical | May 17, 2024
Common hazards include: Arc faults: Over time, the protective sheathing around cabling can be worn away, whether by natural causes or pests, causing an arc that can start a fire. If you notice an electrical cable making a popping, hissing or buzzing sound, there may...